Monday, September 29, 2008

Internal or External Dog training


Internal puppies can start as early as five weeks, depending on the puppy and their ability to consistently work program, will be several weeks to several months to comply. Your puppy is developed gradually, both physiological (muscle) and the control of behavior that leads to a house full of dogs trained.


It is a behavior called a "submissive urination, which is often confused with a puppy from the inability to be house-trained. Submissive urination, especially common in women, is when a puppy gets too excited or stressed when I welcome what he considers the most different people or dogs. puppy is leakage of urine and can shoot as well. We can not continue in this puppy or the problem will worsen. Instead, simply ignore the puppy, that his less effusive welcome, and do not bend or puppy. He will outgrow it.

Home or paper-training?

There are two basic methods of house training: 1) the training of puppy to go outside to eliminate, or 2) act of education ", which means that the puppy learns to go on newspapers or tablets are sold in most stores PET .

These two approaches are very different. In fact, if the formation of paper and then decide to change your dog a bath in the open, you may find it harder than if you started training to the activities of "outdoors from the start.

, It is very important to establish a special place where their training will coxinets. Select a location in an area of the house that is less familiar (fourth wash, for example), but one that is still easy for your puppy to learn.

During the first days of job- guard dog training may be appropriate to leave a little dirty or a block of paper to remember the puppy that this is the place where he was the last.

It regards the abolition of the free is your goal, it is good to start this training from the beginning.

To limit access to only a small area of your garden (for example, the temporary closure, leashing of your puppy and supervision of the disposal) and to ensure that this area is cleaned every day, your puppy is decide to return to this area.

If you have problems training their puppy, and you feel that acceded to a good home exercise program, see the vet. Can not be a condition that disrupts your puppy ability to control their elimination.

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