Monday, September 29, 2008

Rewards for Success

Limited access

Until your puppy home can be sure of beating it up for success. To maintain a more structured timetable, it is very important to limit the puppy of free access to the house unless the dog has his full attention.

There are two easy ways to help the puppies see the difference between their homes and fields pot. The first is to help them to not make mistakes in the supervision of them when they are loose in the house, and the other is for "security."

"Enrejado education simply mean the creation of a physical space that is large enough for the puppy to lift, stretch, and the yield, but not large enough to remove without having to step or sleep in their own excrement. By limiting puppy in this limited area for a short time, and then, and more and more, you learn how to develop the physical control to "hold it" until they are accompanied by the bathing area you have chosen for them.

A reward for success

When your puppy to escort to their assigned area pot, "says" Do your job, "having been silent because they do not distract your puppy from the task at hand. After the puppy has been eliminated, praise and give him two to three small but Yummy treats. You may find that your puppy learns quickly that the road to the bathing area is very funny. Always praise and treat the "mark" which is a remarkable event took place only!

Not directly after the puppy has been removed. Play or let the puppy to explore in a couple of minutes. This will help you avoid accidentally teaching the offspring to eliminate the delays, because he wants to be left out now!

As soon as you notice that your dog starts to signal that he must go to the bathroom, reward him. These signs include running to the door, moan or scratches on the door, looking for you and blubber, etc. reward (praise, treats), your puppy such characters, and you will notice that he / she catches on very quickly to these signals, "recommended ".

Not punishing the wrong

While your dog is learning it can be wrong. Before you start guard dog training, you should Instead of punishing the puppy just CLAP your hands once or twice if you catch him in flagrante delicto. This will only frighten the puppy should be sufficient to stop an ongoing and beat him to the bathing area. If you find evidence of an accident after the act has occurred, not punish them puppies. Dogs live in today. They have no idea what they are calling about or buttocks.

Step By Step Tips

Step-by-step tips

Many of the people who live in apartments or real estate, and therefore chose to teach their dogs to remove the documents or pads inside. But it works for many small dogs, this may not be practical with larger dogs because of the amount of waste.

Before deciding role to train your puppy, you must be sure that this is how you want your dog to remove the adults in his life. Some dogs have a difficult time recovered to go outdoors after they learned that the inside is acceptable. One of the benefits to training indoors as well is that outdoors there are so many different envronmental factors. I've had a dog who developed a flea allergy from being out site too much.

The following are some of the key components of a program to success:

Maintain a structured model

Internal training a puppy begins to be able to predict when your puppy to eliminate each puppy is different. Predict when your puppy to eliminate it becomes difficult to do if "free food" (leaving food all day) or you do not put your puppy on a strict timetable for food and water.

When you put your puppy in a structured schedule, you will be able to predict with great success, exactly when and how often your puppy needs to go to the bathroom area. When your puppy grows and more experienced, you can relax and change the timetable. But until your puppy is displayed at least two weeks that he believes that the program will not be tempted to relax their vigilance and diligence. Ready for guard dog training?

Internal or External Dog training


Internal puppies can start as early as five weeks, depending on the puppy and their ability to consistently work program, will be several weeks to several months to comply. Your puppy is developed gradually, both physiological (muscle) and the control of behavior that leads to a house full of dogs trained.


It is a behavior called a "submissive urination, which is often confused with a puppy from the inability to be house-trained. Submissive urination, especially common in women, is when a puppy gets too excited or stressed when I welcome what he considers the most different people or dogs. puppy is leakage of urine and can shoot as well. We can not continue in this puppy or the problem will worsen. Instead, simply ignore the puppy, that his less effusive welcome, and do not bend or puppy. He will outgrow it.

Home or paper-training?

There are two basic methods of house training: 1) the training of puppy to go outside to eliminate, or 2) act of education ", which means that the puppy learns to go on newspapers or tablets are sold in most stores PET .

These two approaches are very different. In fact, if the formation of paper and then decide to change your dog a bath in the open, you may find it harder than if you started training to the activities of "outdoors from the start.

, It is very important to establish a special place where their training will coxinets. Select a location in an area of the house that is less familiar (fourth wash, for example), but one that is still easy for your puppy to learn.

During the first days of job- guard dog training may be appropriate to leave a little dirty or a block of paper to remember the puppy that this is the place where he was the last.

It regards the abolition of the free is your goal, it is good to start this training from the beginning.

To limit access to only a small area of your garden (for example, the temporary closure, leashing of your puppy and supervision of the disposal) and to ensure that this area is cleaned every day, your puppy is decide to return to this area.

If you have problems training their puppy, and you feel that acceded to a good home exercise program, see the vet. Can not be a condition that disrupts your puppy ability to control their elimination.

Proper Dog Socialization

The purpose of "SOCIALIZATION" is to help your puppy will be with other people, to be a good Community member, and is convinced that a dog and mentally healthy.

The goal of "basic" is to ensure that the dog understands how to act and approved in their community.

The goal of "leadership and guidance" is for your dog to learn the rules and customs of life in human society.

To prevent behavioral problems is to teach your puppy to the specific behaviors that will help him avoid annoying the development and / or dangerous behavior problems and get him to learn guard dog training..

All these areas are important to you and your dog and the relationship between your dog long, healthy and happy life. Stay tuned for upcoming articles that explore each of these areas in greater detail.

What your Puppy Learns

What your puppy learns (and fear) for the first 4 months will take its report for the rest of his life. It is therefore essential to devote the time and patience to turn these first 4 months in a positive experience for both.

Honestly, few of us know enough about the behavior of a dog to guard dog training enough offspring. Throughout this series of articles will help with that.

We have enlisted the help of Terry Long, a trainer of dogs for Excellence Excel. With his guidance, you will soon know exactly how to train your puppy.

We have full information on what to do when you come home and that the offspring of your puppy is 4 months old. This is probably the most important of his time in the life of the offspring, since it is during this time that your puppy will learn the behaviors that lead to adulthood.

The areas you need to address are the following:

* Education
* Socialization
* Basic Manners
* Leadership and guidance
* Prevention of behavioral problems

The goal of "education" of a puppy is to teach your new puppy that must be eliminated only at a certain place, for example, the yard behind the newspaper or on the patio.

Don't forget, one of the things you should have in order to take good care of your puppy is vet pet insurance. By doing so, you ensure that you can take care of your puppy in case something happens and your puppy needs attention.

Start things off right with your puppy

More dogs are punished for behavior problems than for any other reason. It is sad and unnecessary, and almost all these cases, the first, real, and that there is still a technical education to reverse the sad statistics.

The thing is, you can do alot to traing your puppy and teach him to be a happy and very productive member of society. When you are dealing with a puppy and training him, you need to be patient and give them a lot of love. A little puppy insurance tip from me...

Plan things out, and give your puppy more love than anything else. If you think about it, your puppy is really wanting to please you and make you happy. If your puppy lashes out or mis behaves, it is probably because he is not getting the attention he wants.

Important is that you either learn to train your dog from the beginning to avoid some common problems.

You can easily learn to solve common problems of behavior at home training, puppy introduction of the mouth and bite, young people from destruction, teaching Fido to come when called, and to prevent attacks.

The information in this document are based on people's contemporary techniques that are fun for you and your dog (s).

Puppies for 6-16 weeks

Now that you have to brave the dog in your family will shape him into a productive member of our society? Before you opt in for Guard dog training If there is no organized approach, with time reserved for the implementation of their education, that adorable little thing will soon become a monster that govern their lives.